( talk) 20:50, 5 February 2008 (UTC) No, the prerelease SS are possible with the current game, its just that there isn't a computer that can currently run it at that setting ( talk) 03:15, 5 June 2008 (UTC) The graphics aren't as good as they were hyped to be there were complaints that the pre-release screen shots had much, much better graphics that the final game. Zeroxysm ( talk) 17:18, 30 January 2008 (UTC) I know what the image is, I'm just saying we could have a better screenshot that shows off this game's graphics to their best potential. The purpose of the image is to show the alien creature that disrupts the main characters jump, causing him to lose his position with the rest of the team and landing a good distance from the others. Theres not much to see until you get to the ground. What happened to the lucious forests, with the dust gently settling on the ground? What happened to the cystal clear waters with the light bouncing of the coral reefs? - Simpsons fan 66 04:18, 22 January 2008 (UTC) In that image the main character is sky diving out of an airplane, so you are in the middle of the air in the middle of the night. Here is a game that is praised for having the best graphics in the history of gaming, and yet the screen shot for the plot is of a black void with a glowing green thing in the middle.